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Integration via Standard Protocols (OIDC, SAML2)

The primary use-case for BlokSec is to enable secure, passwordless login to websites and applications. Because BlokSec leverages strong cryptography (elliptic-curve digital signature algorithms), the secure hardward keystore of your device, and biometry to positively identify that you are the verifed user, logging in with BlokSec provides better security than passwords and MFA combined.

Securing Your Web Application

Securing access to your web application with BlokSec is easy as long as your application supports one of the modern web authentication standards: OpenID Connect or SAML v2. (BlokSec also supports the WS-Federation authentication protocol, but setup has - please contact for more details.)


1) Log into your BlokSec admin console as an administrator

2) From the dashboard on the Applications tab, click (+) Applications

3) Choose whether you would like to use a pre-defined template application (see the left navigation menu under Integrations for the available templates) or build your own Custom OIDC or Custom SAML2 integration

4) Follow the instructions in the integration document to make the connection with your application

Securing Your Mobile Application

Securing your mobile applications requires the use of our SDK. Documention coming soon. In the meantime, you can ask Mike for more information - email